Sunday, September 13, 2009

Different Ways To Combat Climate Change(Part 02)

Invest in offsets and cleaner alternatives : There is a limit to how much efficiency we can squeeze from our lifestyle or our organization's operations, or how much renewable energy we can employ. The choice for those who wish to compensate for their remaining emissions is to fund an activity by another party that reduces emissions. This is commonly called a 'carbon offset' or 'carbon credit'.

Get efficient : Looking at our life or business through a carbon neutral lens can help us in other ways by increasing the efficiency of resource use, avoiding and reducing waste and ultimately improving the overall performance. After all, carbon is generally the waste product of producing energy, and reducing waste and becoming more efficient is always a good idea.

Offer or buy low carbon products and services : The market for climate friendly products and services is growing rapidly, from energy efficient products to new renewable energy systems. To offer such products, however, it's important to begin at the design stage. Actions as simple as adding energy efficient specifications into the design process, for example, can produce a design that minimizes energy consumption during its use and saves customers the time and energy from making adjustments to a product after a purchase.

Buy green, sell green : The market for green products and services is growing rapidly. In many countries consumer surveys report that growing numbers of consumers are willing to buy green products if given the choice. For businesses, innovative product design and presentation combined with responsible marketing and communication can help ensure that this consumer interest translates into purchasing.

Team up : Many private sector companies are increasingly working with non-governmental organizations, cities or governments to identify and implement best practice solutions to reduce emissions. The Carbon Disclosure Project, for example, is an independent non-profit organization providing information for institutional investors with a combined US$41 trillion of assets under management.

Talk : The increasing importance of climate change means that companies and organizations will need to communicate. Transparency is critical. The internet and other new media mean that companies, organizations and governments cannot hide behind green wash. This is where tools for verification and reporting guidelines with recognized indicators are critical.

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