Sunday, January 4, 2009

Waste Management technique

The average person in an industrialized country produces over 4 pounds of garbage per day. Solid waste is a significant source of pollution, and being wasteful also has serious implications for energy use and global warming. Recycling just one aluminum saves enough energy to run a television for three hours!

Recycle and reuse

Roughly 50% of the average person's trash can be recycled. Don't forget that hazardous waste like batteries, your printer's ink cartridges, and cell phones can be recycled too! Always buy recycled paper. Just 1 ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees.

Bring your own grocery bags when you shop

Designate a reusable cloth sack as your grocery bag and use neither paper nor plastic. If you are buying something small, carry it home in your pocket.

Start a compost pile

Don't trash your kitchen and garden wastes. You can cut your household's waste by 500 pounds per year while creating a fertile soil for your garden.

Buy products with less packaging

About 33% of municipal waste is packaging. When choosing between two products, pick the one with the least amount of unnecessary packaging. Reuse packaging when possible.

Avoid using throw-away products

Paper napkins, plastic silverware, and paper plates are easily replaced by reusable alternatives. Store food in reusable containers instead of using plastic bags, aluminum foil, or plastic wrap.

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