Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sonargaon Museum, Dhaka

Front Gate
Front Gate

Once upon time the famous historical place sonargaon wear the Bangalies twelve landed proprietors (twelve not in number but twelve means unlimited land lord) powerful Esah-kha's city. It is said that Sonargaon named to Esha-kha's wife Sona-Bibi. Sonargaon is about 14 km from the Dhaka city, on the South-East side of the Dhaka-Chittagong high-way.

Museum, Side view
Museum, Side view

Gate view
Gate View

The Sonargaon's old name was Subarnogram. In 14th century Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah at first established Sonargaon as city. Moghal samrat Acbors soldier Manshingha attacked the Sonargaon but Esha-kha kept up the dignity of Sonargaon against Manshingha. After death of Esha-kha, the possession of Sonargaon had gone to the Moghal. Then the Moghal subedars shifted the capital of Bangla from Sonargaon to Dhaka.

Building & Art

Building & Art

Now the Sonargaon is reputed with the Museum of Human-Art. Also here is the biggest market of Handicrafts.

A typical Rural Hut

A typical Rural Hut

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