Have you ever thought about the use of technology and subsequent change in our physical ability, even change on the basic structure of our body?
Somebody may ignore this threat full prediction. But if we believe in science, believe on the development procedures of our being human; then it is not a ridiculous prediction.
According to
Modern technology and life style keeps us sitting in front of the computer for most of the time. The only one entertainment for the children (city dwellers) is the computer game. They like to pass their time on computer rather than playing in the field. Again most of the service holders are being compeled to sit in front of a computer for a long office time. Also they prefer watching movies and playing video games on computer in home. Not only the video games but also there are many other scenario like this for which our hands & legs are kept inactive and brains are doing much. But what is the impact? It has a long term and slow effect. Our eyes, fingers and brain are working much but rest of the limb remains fixed. If this condition prevails year after year, then our legs will become weaker and thinner. And after a thousand of years, we will found two useless legs. Due to extensive brain work, head will become larger. Fingers will be stronger and larger comparing with the hands and legs. Eye will adopt some extra power to see, but will loss its distance predicting ability. Tummy will get a fatty and large structure. Now imagine this structural combination. This is the evaluation of a new species.
Now it is your turn, what will you say? Is it the pollution of modern civilization or being modern with time?
Ashif Anam Siddique
University of Dhaka
Lets see some new models about Human structure.
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